Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Nicholas Johnson: Rain Forest Dreams and Deficits

Nicholas Johnson had an editorial in the Cedar Rapids Gazette on January 9th concerning the PorkForest. It's reprinted on his web site.

Johnson's editorial was in response to a December 23, 2004 editorial by the Cedar Rapids Gazette (reprinted here).

After Johnson's editorial was published, he followed up with:
Once again, the paper fails to mention that its publisher, Joe Hladky, is a member of the Iowa Child board of directors. Not only is there no problem with his serving on the board, he is to be commended for his many associations with efforts to improve the local community, both by way of the paper and local boards and organizations, including this one. But given this potential conflict of interest, it might be better practice to reveal the association.

To view Johnson's vast archive of information and writings on the PorkForest, go here.