Sunday, September 18, 2005

Dear Jennifer

Dear Jennifer,

Don't you think it's a bit unseemly to have your husband want to build that PorkForest with the $50 million in deficit-financed National Debt that Senator Charles Grassley procured for him last year, especially in light of all the money that will be needed to rebuild after Hurricane Katrina?

By the way, where is your husband? We haven't seen him for months. News organizations can never seem to contact him, yet you write a column for the Des Moines Register so we're assuming you know where he is. Coralville has this deadline on Tuesday, or maybe it's not a deadline, concerning a major part of the project. It's kind of important.

Meanwhile, he's supposedly spent years trying to raise money but has nothing to show for it. Has he ever done that to you?

Don't you think that these sorts of delay tactics indicate some sort of underlying issue on the part of your husband? We're curious to know what you think.


The State 29 Gang
